
    Before you begin, ensure you have the following

  • Notion account. You can create one here
  • GitHub account. You can create one here

Set Up Your Notion Integration

  1. Go to Notion Integrations and sign in to your account
  2. Click the New Integration button, give your integration a name and click the Submit button
  3. Copy your Internal Integration Secret. You'll need it later

Download the Template

  1. Go to Download Page and sign in using your GitHub account
  2. Show your appreciation by following the profile and starring the repository
  3. Verify the requirements by clicking on Check requirements and then download the template

Prepare the Template

    Once you've duplicated the template to your workspace, there are two things you need to do: 
    connect the duplicated template to the integration and find the Database ID

  1. To connect the template to the integration, first, locate the Menu (it's the icon with three dots in the top right corner) and click on it
  2. Then, follow these steps: Connect to - [Search for your Integration name] - Confirm
  3. The Database ID can be found in the template link by following the steps: Share - Copy link
  4. Either manually extract the ID from the link or use the handy tool provided on the login page

Start Adding Games!

  1. On the login page, enter your Notion Secret and Database ID
  2. You're all set! Head over to the game addition page to start building your backlog